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Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Tadi baru baik dr tpt baru, ngobrol ampe jem 4 boo.
Aq ga tidur hari ni, duh!!!
nyuci2 deh aq.skr dah jem 7 pagi apa aq makan pagi aja ya??


Gile gw bangun jem 4 sore hari ni. Kemaren gw tidur jem 4 jg, berarti gw dah tidur 12 jam.
ini tidur apa 'tidur'....

Lanjut, jem 9 nonton Planet 51. Crt astronot bumi yg sampai di planet laen yg dihuni makhluk2 kayak manusia.
Terus astronaut ini diburu sama mereka karena di planet mereka manusia adalah alien. lucu de,
hehe. begonya tingkah astronot ini lebih aneh dr makhluk planet ini. Rata2 kelakuan makhluk planet ini lebih normal (untuk ukuran manusia) dari pada astronot (manusia bumi) itu sendiri.

2 hari lagi aq musti cao dr tpt gw.
dah pindah2 sepatu dan baju2 gw ni.
1 koper dan belasan kotak.
Fiuh. untung ada troli. klo ga....


Tadi gw bawa 1 koper ke tpt baru lagi.
Koper itu isinya buku2 (thx ya chris, untung bgt ga jd gw balikin entah gmn gw pindah tanpa koper u)
Lucky!! Eh, ternyata lg ga ad org dirumah. Duh gmn ni?
Gw ga mau bawa balik kamar lg berat, baby! Trus gw nitip satpam de.
Gw makan dulu lo. Bau gw lanjut nunggu.
Lamaaa bgt ad 2 jem, tp gpp, gw entertain myself dengan liat2 di taman.
ni gbr semut gede di taman dpn lobby.

Tapi setelah itu gw mulai digigit nyamuk, pengen pindah tp masa gw tinggalin kopernya???
Please cepet turun dunk.
abis tu dgn pulsa terakhir gw gw sms dy. untung cepet turun, trus kita lgs ke tpt dy lo.
ah pulsaku abis lg.......

Malamnya aku dan housemate aq maen kartu dengan sistem 'punishment' hehe asik.
cuma sialnya aq kena suruh praktekin balet, duh!!
abis itu maen poker. Aq menang terus pas poker kecuali yg pertama. hehe.
Aku seneng bgt soalnya sebelum ini aq kalah mulu(huhu).
Abis itu kita lanjut nonton Kungfu Chef, aduh lame banget ceritanya. Ga flow dan ga dalem.
Sebel aku!!!
eh, ternyata dah jam 4 pagi.....


Aq bangun siang gitu trus kepikiran buat pindah2 laptop gede gw dulu.
Pas di depan lift.

What the???

Tombolnya pun liang. Gmn gw turun ini? Masa turun tangga?
Ga mau gw sekali aja cukup! (dulu gw pernah turun pake tangga aja, cape man! 20 lantai lo)

Abis tu setelah diliat2 ternyata orangnya pasang terbalik. duh bego2 aja la masa pencetan lift bs kebalik punya???
ni liat de.
Yang salah:

Yang bener:

Kacau... Kacau....

Saturday, November 21, 2009


Gw dah beres2 dikit buat pindahan. Gad ah musti out dr tpt gw tgl 27 krn ada org yg bakal masuk lagi.
Gw ada bikin yg aneh2, sebenarnya sih biar lebih mudah buang botolnya doank.
Tangan gw cuma dua, mbak!

Hm tadi gw ga tidur trus jem 3 sore akhirnya gw makan juga. Tadi gw belajar HTML dikit hehe.


Bangun pagi sih bangun pagi! Tapi uda jem 12 gw ketiduran lagi ampe jam 8.
Argh! Hari yang paling gak produktif selama liburan ni.


Hari ni aq bangun jem 6 lagi. rencana mau langsung breakfast dan ke Monash. Lu tau la kebiasaan gw suka ngundur2 kerjaan tanpa sadar udah jem 12, jadinya sama sekali ga makan pagi lgs loncat ke makan siang. Gw keluar rumah jem 1an dan setelah makan gw ke monash jem 2.30.
Shit! Ternyata library tutup jem 5.30, gw cuma bs maen 3 jem dunk!!! Ah udah lha, gw maen pet society, restaurant city, Mafia wars dan entah apa itu yg farm2 gt. ya ga gt puas gw jem 5.30 dah diusir krn blon visit semua neighbour.
Besok moga2 bs pergi lebih pagi lagi. Yosh!!


Hua gw dah susah2 bangun jem 6 eh ketiduran lagi ampe jem 6 sore. Bener2 deh jem tidur gw kaco sejak durasi ujian. Jem 7 gw br ke pira mo makan ma Christy.

Lanjut ke Pasta Zanmai, mesan mini teriyaki chicken pasta lucu telurnya yang rebus tapi ga kenyal kayak air cuma lebih pekat dikit (susah jelasinnya, pokoknya ga bs diambil pake sumpit! enak!) dan min hotate pizza (oyster ama gw (jamur)) itu mini pizza yang tipis dan garing. Gw ga bs makan kerangnya trus si Christy yang makan deh.
Minumnya Simply Strawberry, menurut gw ga kerasa strawberrynya kayak minum susu yang agak kental aja.
Dessert = Strawberry Parfait (pas udah kuabisin baru keinget ngambil fotonya. Sorry)

Dari atas itu ice cream strawberry ad dikit saos coklat ada sekeling waffel dengan whipped cream, bawahnya corn flakes dan paling bawah cream plus jam strawberry dengan strawberry aslinya (lumayan banyak).

Christy makan Aburi salmon no Gomadare Shitate (half broiled salmon pasta ma sesame sauce) minum green tea, dessert Choc banana Parfait (mirip dgn punya ku cuma isinya diganti chocolate dan bubuk oreo beberapa potong pisang juga menghiasi gelasnya.

Pulangnya ceritanya mo beli mini sake yang manis di Jusco bagi dua, tapi uda tutup. Kita singgah dulu ke tpt Christy aq bantu dy cuci baju dan beres2 kamar krn bsknya dy balik Ponti. Hehe gw pulang jem 1an. Duh seharusnya gw pulang sebelum jem 12 ni! gerbang samping dah tutup, terpaksa lewat depan musti jalan muter lagi gw. Hiks.
Serem tau! Ah untungnya ga kenapa2 pulang2 gw tidur. Tidak!!! Belum beres2 buat pindahan gw!!!!

17/11/2009 Blast! Part – 02

Yeah! After spending time with MJ, and Christy until around 7, I directly go to my next gathering in Bubbagumb. Oliva and ‘Pitok’ is treating us for their birthday. It’s the first time I go to Bubba and I don’t know what to order but in the end the food is quite colourful with mashed potato on the top covered with cheese followed by rice (I think it is risotto) and they put shrimp inside. It is supposed to be nice, but I don’t like it. I prefer the other food that consists of mashed potato with fish and shrimp (next time).
The time we spent there is quite enjoyable, especially when we compete with the group next door in cheering (they are also having a birthday party).
After having our dinner we straight go to cinema to watch Raging Pheonix film Thailand, action and romance. We are late and when we sit down the action has started. Actually the film’s action is not bad, but it’s ‘dub’ is in Thai. It is sort of funny for me, and I find myself chuckling in the sad act and confuse in the serious act. Who knows the mismatch between audio impression and written can lead to this?
In the last part my other friend is laughing so hard when they realize the stuntman for the female villain is a male. I feel sorry for the other audience as they can’t properly respond in the sad act due to distraction. They choose the wrong time.
After movie, our group of 20 are laughing. Poor director……

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

17/11/2009 Blast! Part - 01

Oh man! It's freaking unbelievable how I enjoy my first day after exam.

I have not slept at all since 16/11/2009 and I haven't eaten since last night yet I directly goes to Sunway Pyramid to secretly set-up the surprise mini-party for Marsha birthday.
(I have been ignoring her since her birthday and I hope it pissed her off).

I'm at Coffee Bean now, waiting for Marsha and Christy, drinking Esprit (what am I thinking drinking carbonated drink before eating! All those exam must have messed up my mind!)

Anyway, I patiently waiting like a good girl for quite some time.... alone..... in Coffee Bean. (While waiting my gut says that I'll get kick-out for bringing unauthorized cake to CB)

This is the cake

Hump! What is taking them so long! Really! 30 minutes is normal but 1 and a half hour is a bit overstretch don't you think? I have half mind to just drag them out from ice skating rink and damn discretion to hell.

Well, around 12.45 at last they come. Yippie, my waiting is not for naught. We sing 'Happy Birthday' and she make her wish then she give us the cake. (The usual sequence).

Her birthday present are two bottles of nail remover (grape and strawberry) and a silver nail polish. Of course there is a birthday card. I'm not privy to the Chrysty message.

(this is where you should find the info from MJ)

Next, MJ and Christy buy lasagna at Coffee Bean. Ummmm.. yummy. I didn't know lasagna can taste this good, but I have to eat rice to prevent gastritis to relapse. So, Mj and me go to Sakae Sushi. I don't know what happen but suddenly we agreed to order warm sake (pic from MJ side). I only drink a small cup of it and it takes me the whole meal duration to finish it.

You know who the rest go to.Then we go back to Coffee Bean and plan our 'Project'.

Continue to 17/11/2009 Blast! Part - 2


I know... I know I haven't post for quite some time. Just ignore that I have live outside Study before 17/11/2009. HAha!